Dental Treatment and Sex

So, as you glance at the title of this blog post, “Let’s talk about sex,” you might be questioning its relevance to a dental blog. While the title may seem surprising, the underlying message is important!

*For the purpose of this blog post, we have used a fictitious client name (Alexi).

A few weeks ago, Alexi, a female patient, confided in us about how her husband’s dental issues had impacted their intimate life during a private conversation. She spoke candidly about how their marriage was strained because she felt uncomfortable being intimate with him.

Alexi revealed that for the past four years, she had been avoiding intimate moments due to her husband’s unattractive teeth and unpleasant breath resulting from decay. Hesitant to confront him directly, she sought alternative explanations, not wanting to hurt his feelings. In a heartfelt discussion, her husband questioned her fidelity, which she firmly denied. This prompted Alexi to realize it was finally time to express her true feelings, though she feared the potential long-term repercussions on their family.

Alexi admitted that her husband’s dental health had diminished her libido. Encouraged by this revelation, her husband, despite his dental fears, reached out to multiple clinics the following day to explore options for restoring his smile. Normally, Alexi would handle all the arrangements, but this time, her husband took the initiative, spending two days scheduling consultations before finally securing an appointment for treatment.

After nine days, they returned to the clinic to address the underlying issues!

Following my chat with Alexi, I conducted some research to see if this was a widespread issue. It certainly seems to be, yet I found little discussion online. This topic is sensitive and private, and it’s no wonder that many women struggle to bring it up with their partners, given the millions of individuals browsing the web.

I encouraged Alexi to share her story on our blog, and she was eager to let us publish it. Initially, I intended to delve deeper into the connection between dental hygiene and sexual health. I’m glad I did, as it allowed me to incorporate valuable insights and statistics into this piece.

I found evidence suggesting a correlation between poor dental health and erectile dysfunction. A study conducted by Inonu University in Turkey evaluated the periodontal health of men aged 30 to 40.

Out of the participants, eighty suffered from erectile dysfunction, while the remaining eighty-two did not.

The assessment of periodontal health involved evaluating plaque buildup, gum bleeding, tooth decay, and missing teeth.

Men diagnosed with chronic periodontitis were found to be 3.29 times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction.

Chronic periodontitis refers to inflamed gum tissues due to bacterial infection. Researchers believe this could be linked to endothelial dysfunction, a precursor to erectile issues.

Participants with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes or heart disease were excluded from the study, as were smokers.

Treating periodontitis is thought to enhance endothelial function, potentially improving erectile dysfunction.

In a 2011 study, Indian researchers found that the severity of gum disease correlated with the severity of erectile issues. Published in the Journal of Periodontology, the study involved seventy men. Further research suggests that gum disease may inhibit the production of nitric oxide, a chemical that relaxes blood vessels and enhances blood flow to the penis. Inflammation from gum disease may reduce nitric oxide levels.

In summary, there are numerous ways in which poor oral health can affect your sexual life. It may make you less appealing to your partner, or you may encounter issues with intimate moments.

Approximately 80% of patients fear visiting the dentist; however, Alexi’s husband quickly made an appointment to address his concerns. The rest is history…