To whom Does An Implant Apply To And What Is An Implant?

Curious About Dental Implants?

Dental implants are considered the best solution for missing teeth. This treatment is suitable for patients with intact jawbone, which is why specific criteria must be met before undergoing the procedure.

Advancements in modern medicine, particularly in dentistry, have enabled the treatment of various dental issues. A person’s teeth play a crucial role in their overall appearance, and dental implants have been developed for those who are edentulous.

So, what exactly is an implant? Who is eligible for dental implant treatment, and how is the procedure performed? Let’s dive into the details…

What is an Implant?

Implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed in the jawbone to replace teeth that lack roots, restoring both function and aesthetics.

A single implant is utilized when it is preferable not to disturb adjacent healthy teeth for a solitary missing tooth, while multiple implants may be used in the form of fixed bridges when several teeth are missing to ensure stability in a completely toothless jaw.

Who Can Receive a Dental Implant?

Dental implants can be placed in individuals of all ages, provided that bone development is complete, especially in younger patients. Treatment is available for those over 18 who have finished growing. X-rays are used to determine if the jaw structure is suitable before starting treatment. Anyone who meets the general health criteria can be a candidate. Older adults often need dental implants due to a higher incidence of tooth loss and jawbone deterioration.

Diabetics must have their condition managed before treatment. Individuals with osteoporosis may also be eligible after appropriate treatment. It is not recommended for patients on blood thinners to take medications prior to the procedure.

A dental implant offers a durable, comfortable, and reliable solution. The prosthetic teeth attached to implants closely resemble natural teeth. Healthy adjacent teeth remain untouched while filling in the gaps. Compared to other prosthetic options, implants have a much longer lifespan. Losing a tooth can have both physical and psychological effects. Implants provide the safest and healthiest solution to the challenges associated with tooth loss by effectively replacing the original tooth.

The inability to smile confidently due to one or more missing teeth can lead to feelings of despair, impacting both personal and professional lives. The restored appearance after treatment shows no visible difference from natural teeth.

Once a tooth is lost, the balance of the entire dental structure can be compromised. Chewing causes remaining teeth, especially those adjacent to the gap, to shift and flex.

This misalignment can result in additional oral problems, particularly if it interferes with chewing ability. Over time, losing multiple teeth can lead to jawbone loss.

Individuals may not realize how painful it is to bite into a hard piece of food at a toothless spot. This discomfort can occur frequently, causing some to avoid their favorite foods altogether to prevent pain.

The inability to properly chew food can diminish enjoyment in various aspects of life.

For these reasons, it is vital to replace missing teeth with implants or other treatment options as soon as possible.

marmaris dental

The Process of Dental Implantation

Prior to dental implant therapy, a comprehensive examination and X-ray are necessary. Measurements of the jawbone and existing teeth are taken. There are two main approaches for implant placement: in the one-stage procedure, the implant is placed, and a temporary cap is immediately fitted on top. In the two-stage procedure, the implant is covered with gum tissue after placement to heal, after which the artificial head is attached. In both methods, a temporary bridge is placed, and healing is expected to take three months for the lower jaw and six months for the upper jaw, allowing the patient to eat and speak comfortably.

Who Should Not Get Implants?

The following individuals may not be suitable candidates for implants:

People undergoing bisphosphonate therapy,

Individuals with blood disorders,

Severe cardiac or vascular patients, those with kidney or liver failure,

Children or those whose bone development is ongoing.

Implant treatment is also contraindicated for individuals with alcohol dependency, autoimmune diseases, those undergoing chemotherapy, and patients receiving radiotherapy to the jaw.

Why Are Dental Implants Necessary?

Dental implants are used for several reasons:

To maintain healthy oral tissues,

To replace one or more missing teeth,

To improve speech if necessary,

If there is sufficient bone to support the implants or if bone grafting is utilized,

When the jawbone has fully matured,

If patients prefer not to wear dentures,

Dental implants are also recommended when the healing capacity of the bones is not compromised.

How to Care for Implants?

Oral care must be thorough and consistent. Just like natural teeth, implants require the same level of attention. Neglecting proper care can lead to the loss of both teeth and implants. Early signs of potential implant loss include redness, swelling, bleeding, and irritation in the gums.

Is Implantation a Risky Procedure?

When performed correctly, there are no significant risks associated with dental implants.

Is Implant Surgery Complicated?

The actual implant procedure is relatively straightforward, typically taking about 15 minutes.

Is Post-Implant Swelling Common?

In single implant surgeries, swelling is often minimal or non-existent. However, some swelling may occur if tooth extractions are performed simultaneously during multiple implant surgeries. With appropriate medications and ice application, the patient can expect to experience the least amount of swelling.

What Causes Numbness in the Chin After Implant Surgery?

Before the implant procedure, it is crucial to conduct a thorough evaluation, including radiological tests and tomography, to accurately measure the bone for the implant’s length. Following these procedures, numbness should not occur. However, numbness may result from untrained individuals performing the implant without proper evaluations, potentially damaging the lower jaw nerve.

Can I Smoke After Getting an Implant?

Smoking increases the risk of bleeding post-surgery and slows down healing due to the toxins it contains. It is advised to avoid smoking for at least the first 48 hours after the procedure. Patients are encouraged to refrain from smoking in the following weeks as well. Smoking poses a significant threat to both overall health and the longevity of dental implants. We hope our patients view the implant process as an opportunity to quit smoking.

Why Is My Implant Moving?

If an infection develops around the implant, or if it does not integrate with the bone properly, it may shift over time. To prevent this, patients must maintain excellent oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly. If any movement is detected in the implants, it’s essential to consult a dentist immediately.

What Are the Prices for Dental Implants?

The cost of dental implants varies based on the specific application. Our implant prices start at £400. For more information, please contact the Dental Clinic Turkey family. You can reach us via WhatsApp at +908508851476.